Tuesday, November 23, 2010

safe to eat

Food poisoning has became critical and 200 people have been sick and 3 have dies. They have discovered that pigs from a farm in california have spread e coli from cow manure, then getting into the spinach.  Americans are consuming more produce and half of out nations produce come from californa and arizona farms. Our nations has required a new health issue to be put in place to make safer foods for consumers.  Its not only the farmers and how they distribute the food but is the manufactoring companies and also the businesses who are selling and preparing our foods who are at fault for food poisoning.  Greater federal regulations will also increase the cost of producing fruit and vegtables.

         I think that we need to crack down on the health care issue. When someone walks into the county market and want to but some fruit, they expect that is will be healthy and stored right up till purchasing. If they fould out that is was bad fruit or vegtables, then they wouldnt but it and the market wouldnt make any money. Americans getting sick over the food they eat is rediculious.


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